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About Us For When Your Last, Must Be Your Best


All Couture Burial and Funeral Designs are spiritually and metaphysically inspired/designed and created by Dr Coppertino, with information regarding the personality, former lifestyle and prior emotional longings of the dearly departed.


 Special designs are also created for "attending family members", remaining spouses and other loved ones who would like to appear before the deceased in respectful attire, and who realize the value of presenting themselves in a dignified manner at the wake, funeral service, mortuary viewing, grave site attendance or other related  services or memorials. No one should ever consider standing over the coffin/casket/urn of their former loved one in undignified apparel.


 Dr Coppertino states that if one honors and respects the act of death...death will come gentle with it's own calling card, after a great length of days!

At "For The End", and from the beginning of time....death has mystified, traumatized and glorified mankind in his inner quest to return to the true substance of his being, which for many, includes a dignified and worthy "going away" celebration with feast and friends. As all races, tribes and nations of men have not been able to escape the inevitable...death...and all it's meanings, "For The End" and it's Founder, Dr. Marcia Ann Mims Coppertino, has sought to captivate the true essence of sending one's loved one off to rest in the grandest of style, with honor and respect! 


Dr. Coppertino states that all around the world, old and new world customs and rituals for properly adorning ourselves at funerals, wakes and memorial services are held not only to pay final respects to the deceased, but to also open our souls to the emotions of loss and future progress in our lives. 


These customs are making a return or "comeback", and are re-appearing worldwide as we seek to find solace , comfort and meaning at the time of death. Studies and research also bear forth the fact that the concept and show of reverence and dignity at the end of a life is no longer deemed old fashioned or outdated, but a necessary ritual to the closure of a life, and all that the deceased stood for while living. The act of ritual or reverence for the deceased also sends a powerful message to youth that death is the finality of all earthly plans, hopes and desires, (in the physical realm) and helps them to realize that they are not immune to the final closures of life.


With this in mind, Dr. Coppertino has sought a way to help beautify and dignify one's remains with honorable fashion designs through the fascinating concept and belief that all should enter into their final resting phase beautiful, in a dignified and honorable manner...thus...."For The End" Couture Funeral and Burial Attire.


Please feel free to visit with us on a regular basis for updated information, garment photos, events and lectures, funeral procession tips and the latest accessories, dress auctions and more! We will also feature interviews with other designers and offer travel, books and tips on repast dining, funeral music/etiquette and MORE!


If you have costumes or fashions to share with "For The End" visitors, or would like us to feature them on consignment, please e-mail to with your request!

Thank You for visiting with us! Dr. Marcia Ann Mims Coppertino, Founder and Friend of the Dead

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